NeverForget is a software application that will help you remember important events. The user interface is very easy to use, but it looks a bit old-fashioned, and it has to be so because this program’s latest release is from the 90’s. It was very common at that time to design interfaces with a futurist look, which contrasts with current minimalist tendencies.
There is a left pane, showing upcoming reminders according to a date range that you can define through this software options. Creating a new reminder is very simple; there is an unmistakable button to do that. First, navigate the calendar to the desired date and push the New button. Then, you will be able to configure the reminder’s time, recurrence or frequency, choose an icon to describe the event or a sound alert. In addition, you may decide what time in advance you would like to receive the notification.
The Edit button, whose caption, by the way, is rather confusing because it does much more than just editing, will let you erase a date range. You can print your reminders from there. It also allows sharing your reminders by exporting them to a file or sending them via email. Nevertheless, it supports exporting only to a machine running Never Forget, which means it does not allow sharing your data with any other scheduling application. When minimized, this software keeps running from the System Tray to notify you of upcoming events. more